Lighting Design – Strength of Strains (collab)

A collaboration with Ray Jaffet


Just having some fun playing with the footage I got of this project….Enjoy!!!

The owner of a cannabis shop,
sitting in the SODO district of Seattle,
asked me to come down to his place and light up a mural,
he was currently having done on this  110′ wall of his new shop.

(check out the little video I threw together below)

The owner wanted to see some good, bright, white flood lights,
to light up the artwork, which did light it up pretty well.
The colors really looked great under a good
“daylight white” light source.

However, as no surprise to anyone that knows me,
I showed them a few of the stage-toys I really like to play with.

As a few of my friends know, I’ve been working on the matching
of LEDs and paints for many years now. Since Reys’ work
was so colorful, I thought this would be another great place
to show just a little of the fun I plan to bring to the art world
in the next few years.

I lit this wall up like I would a stage, and even put a little set of
shows together on a small  programmable, stand alone unit.

All together the lighting package was:

12 DMX controlled RGB wall washers all focused to specific
places on the artwork. Then we added some bright green light
to the space needle. We used a nice little controller which I
programmed with about 30 different looks

To tie it all together I was even asked put in little a sound system
together. So now you can sit there at night, chill to some tunes.
Enjoy this great collaboration that really plays with your senses.